Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester
Active Ingredient: Methenolone Enanthate
Concentration: 100 mg / mL
Price For: 10 mL Vial
Brand: 7Lab Pharm
Primalab-100 contains 100 mg of Methenolone Enanthate and is brand product of 7Lab Pharma.
Primalab-100 is the best anabolic steroid for beginners, relatively harmless, and, at the same time, giving a significant increase in quality mass. This drug is well suited for drying and to exit heavy courses, does not hold water and gives a minimum muscle loss.
The active substance of this drug - Methenolone Enanthate - was synthesized in the early 1960s by German scientists. Germany at that time was conducting serious research, and significantly invested in the development of such drugs for victories in the world sports arena. Therefore, the prototype of Primobolan created in those years is still popular in bodybuilding and athletics. The demand on the basis of methenolone enanthate is due to the lack of aromatization, which makes it possible to use this steroid by both men and women.
This steroid is a modified dihydrotestosterone with an optimal ratio of anabolic and androgenic activity for building quality muscle mass. The properties of this drug suggest a method of administration in the form of injections, which avoids the negative effects on liver. Often you can find a comparison of this drug with Nandrolab-P 100 in the nature of the action, but the effect of its injections, as a rule, does not last so long. After injection, the concentration of the substance remains at a high level in the blood for about 14 days, and then can be detected in the body for another 5 weeks.
The effect of this injectable steroid is well understood. For maximum result, a rather long cycle is carried out, which gives a slow but high-quality muscle growth. The most important thing is that the mass gained after the course does not go anywhere, but remains for a long time.
Side effects from this drug are quite rare and mild when observing the recommended dosages. The most characteristic of it is a decrease in the production of endogenous testosterone, aggression and mental excitability, insomnia. A moderate dosage when using does not threaten either baldness or atrophy of the testicles, and the absence of aromatization and estrogen activity eliminates the risk of gynecomastia. For women, this drug is also quite safe and, with the right course selection, does not cause virilization and masculinization.
The cost of such an anabolic is not so high, but the price-quality ratio only benefits from this. It is really available to a large number of beginner and amateur athletes, which only strengthens its advantages.
Primalab-100 is also used by professionals, but not as a basis for a cycle, but as an excipient to exit heavy and prolonged steroid cycles.
The advantage of this anabolic is that it does not cause an increase in blood pressure, like most anabolics, and therefore can be used by people with high blood pressure. The only contraindication to its use is pregnancy and lactation.
This drug is usually taken on a solo course long enough, from 8 to 12 weeks. But at the same time, injections are not necessary often, due to the long activity of methenolone enanthate in the body. It is enough to put one injection per week. Men who do not know how to take Primalab-100 are recommended dosages of 200-400 mg per week. Each athlete should ideally select a dosage individually, depending on the level of physical fitness and goals, and even better, together with a qualified specialist.
The use of Primalab-100 in higher doses does not give a noticeable increase in mass and its quality, but it significantly increases the risk of developing unpleasant side effects.
For women, Primalab-100 injection is possible in a dosage of not more than 50-100 mg per week. For the period of the course, in no case do you need to plan a pregnancy, but otherwise there are no restrictions. The course length for women is usually reduced to 7-8 weeks.
The course of Primalab-100 does not require the mandatory intake of antiestrogens, but it is recommended to use post-cycle therapy drugs to restore the production of one's own testosterone. Observing the intensive training regimen and sports diet, any athlete will achieve an increase of 7-8 kg of high-quality muscles.
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