Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester
Active Ingredient: Testosterone Cypionate
Concentration: 250 mg / mL
Price For: 10 mL Vial
Brand: 7Lab Pharm
Testolab-C 250 contains 250 mg of Testosterone Cypionate and is brand product of 7Lab Pharm.
This drug is based on testosterone cypionate and is the longest ester of this hormone. Cypionate enjoys a great popularity in USA, athletes prefer to conduct courses involving testosterone enanthate. However, these drugs do not have significant differences and are interchangeable.
Testolab-C 250 by 7Lab Pharm is a powerful steroid for building muscle mass. Like all testosterone esters, Cypionate has equally powerful anabolic and androgenic properties. The duration of action is a little more than two weeks.
If you run a cycle in accordance with all the recommendations, it will invariably be effective and safe. By using Testolab-C 250, you can significantly add to the mass, as well as increase physical parameters. These are the main goals that are pursued during the cycle with this drug. In addition, this steroid is able to increase efficiency in the gym, increase appetite, increase the mineralization index of bone tissue and strengthen the joint-ligamentous apparatus.
Testosterone cypionate has a wide list of positive properties that will help you progress faster and achieve your goals in sports. Moreover, it can be useful not only for bodybuilders, but also to representatives of other sports disciplines. Since the esters of testosterone combine perfectly with various AAS, they often become the basis of strong combined cycles.
A weekly effective dosage of this drug is in the range from 250 to 750 mg. To ensure a smooth anabolic background, athletes put one or a maximum of two injections for seven days. For bodybuilding lovers, the dosages indicated above are sufficient, although pro-bodybuilders use this drug in large quantities.
This drug from 7Lab Pharma has a very convenient concentration of the active ingredient, which makes it easy to calculate the dosage you need. It should immediately be said that this drug can be used not only by experienced athletes, but also by beginners. However, it will not be an ideal choice for the first cycle of steroids, but after a few easy cycles you can start to use it.
We have already noted that this anabolic is often included in the composition of stacks. So among bodybuilders often called combined cycles. When choosing drugs for their implementation, it is necessary to use an individual approach, taking into account your experience and condition of your body.
Among the most frequent combinations of Testolab-C 250, Decalab-250 and Dianobol-lab 10 should be noted. Moreover, all these three drugs can be used simultaneously in the same cycle. The average duration of cycles is two months, and over this period of time you can easily gain about ten kilos.
Since Testolab-C 250 is a strong steroid, you should definitely undergo rehabilitation therapy at the end of the cycle. You should also remember the need to use aromatase inhibitors during the cycle so that you have the opportunity to control the aromatization process.
We have already noted that this drug has a strong androgenic effect on body. It also has estrogenic activity. All this suggests the presence of possible side effects, which, however, most often occur when this steroid is used improperly.
Among the main side effects, gynecomastia, acne, etc. To avoid their manifestation, during the course you need to use Proviron-Lab or Anastro-Lab, belonging to the group of aromatase inhibitors. We also talked about the importance of conducting rehabilitation therapy. Most often, athletes after completing AAS cycles use Tamoxi-Lab or Clomi-Lab.
Athletes often share their impressions of using one or another AAS. For many novice bodybuilders, these reviews are an excellent source of information and help to conduct effective and safe courses. Having studied the experience of older comrades, beginners can choose for themselves the optimal steroids and organize the right rehabilitation therapy.
If you want to get even more useful information about using AAS in addition to reviews, then our store managers can provide it to you.
If you go back to Testolab-C 250 reviews, then all athletes speak out in an extremely positive way. This is a working and effective drug that can help you gain muscle mass and increase physical parameters.
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