Androgen; Anabolic Ateroid; Androgen Ester; Progestogen
Active Ingredient: Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate
Concentration: 100 mg / mL
Price For: 10 mL Vial
Brand: 7Lab Pharm
Trenolab-H 100 contains 100 mg of Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate and is brand product of 7Lab Pharm.
Trenolab-H 100 from 7Lab Pharma is a powerful steroid of anabolic and androgenic nature. The active substance is trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate. It does not aromatize. Previously, this steroid was used to increase muscle mass and appetite of animals (livestock). In its original form, trenbolone is practically not used, since it has a very short duration. Its esterified derivatives are usually used, one of which is hexahydrobenzylcarbonate.
The trenbolone ester, after introducing it into the muscles, provides a gradual flow of the active substance into the blood. Trenolab-H 100 has a pronounced anabolic effect, but if used incorrectly, it causes quite strong side effects.
Drug action:
In its origin, trenbolone is a derivative of testosterone (due to progesterone activity). Trenolab-H 100 is prone to androgen receptors - 5 times stronger than testosterone - and this is due to its great anabolic activity. In increasing muscle mass and strength, Trenolab-H 100 is virtually unparalleled. This drug gained wide popularity due to the fact that it does not turn into estrogen under the influence of aromatase. It does not retain water in the body and does not lead to gynecomastia.
Trenolab-H 100 cycle should not exceed six weeks if gonadotropin is not included in it. Given the pronounced ability of trenbolone to suppress the body's secretion of its own testosterone, it is advisable to administer gonadotropin once a week from the second week of the course and until its completion (in dosages from 500 to 1000 IU). Post-cycle therapy lasts for two weeks after discontinuation of the drug. As for the dosages, 100 to 300 mg per week is recommended to increase muscle mass. You can divide the weekly dose into two injections.
Although solo course itself will give a tangible increase in mass and strength, to further enhance its effect, combinations with Oxano-Lab, Stanolab-50, Dianobol-Lab 20, Boldelab-200, Oxy-Lab and testosterone esters are used. Trenolab-H 100 is compatible with almost any anabolic steroid (combination is selected based on specific goals). At the end of the course, antiestrogen administration is not required.
Side effects from Trenolab-H 100 - quite often when exceeding the recommended dosage and/or duration of the course. Possible insomnia, high blood pressure, excessive aggression, tren caugh, baldness, acne, flaccid erection and decreased libido. It is very important to take cabergoline or gonadotropin during cycle. On liver has a moderate toxic effect. No estrogenic effects are observed, and androgenic occur extremely rarely. The combined use of Trenolab-H 100 with ephedrine and Cleno-Lab 40 is not recommended.
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