Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Active Ingredient: Testosterone Suspension
Concentration: 100 mg / mL
Price For: 10 mL Vial
Brand: 7Lab Pharm
Testolab-S 100 contains 100 mg of Testosterone Suspension and is brand product of 7Lab Pharm.
Testolab-S 100 is an aqueous solution of testosterone without any ester - a suspension of testosterone (unlike other forms used, this is unesterified, therefore, 100 mg of active testosterone accounts for 100 mg of active substance). This drug is characterized by the fastest onset of action and a short half-life, in connection with which it can be effectively used in pre-competition preparation.
Like most testosterone preparations, including almost all esters and ester mixtures, a testosterone suspension was originally developed and produced for drug use (during hormone replacement therapy), but has shown high effectiveness as a sports dope, therefore, it is currently most prevalent in sports practice.
Effects of Testolab-S 100 are a rapid increase in muscle mass and strength indicators, increases performance and endurance, a fat-burning effect is possible, as a result, an improvement in muscle density and shape. The effect of this drug is similar to other forms of testosterone, but may differ in its severity. The main advantages include: manifestation of an anabolic effect during the first days after injection, the fastest half-life (detected only a few weeks by gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy), indices of anabolic and androgenic activity identical to endogenous testosterone - 100%.
Testolab-S 100 is recommended exclusively for men. Women in sports, as a rule, do not use this drug, since even with doses reduced to a minimum, high risks of developing virilization remain, such as coarsening of the voice, acne, increased aggression, impaired sexual activity, and hair growth.
Side effects for men due to Testolab-S 100 use can also be androgenic or estrogenic. These are acne, androgen-induced alopecia, increased aggression, increased libido during the course and decreased after the course, testicular atrophy, water retention, high blood pressure, lipomastia or gynecomastia. To avoid side effects with high doses of this drug and prolonged use, you may need to take Proviron-Lab or even gonadotropin, as well as a strong antiestrogen, be it an Anastro-Lab or Letro-Lab aromatase inhibitor.
This drug is used in courses on average up to 4-5 weeks, with good tolerance and with drugs in order to avoid side effects, perhaps a little longer - up to 6-8 weeks. The daily frequency of injection is due to the duration of the substance - 1-2 days.
The average daily dosage of Testolab-S 100 for men is 50-100 mg. Each new injection is usually placed in a fresh place to avoid local reactions. The injections themselves can be painful and cause discomfort after. To mitigate, novocaine or lidocaine (anesthetic drugs) can be used.
Testolab-S 100 customer reviews describe the course mostly positively. A testosterone suspension is highly regarded as a pre-workout and pre-competitive drug for obtaining the optimal physical shape (increasing muscle mass, increasing strength, endurance and performance of an athlete).
Testolab-S 100 cycle, like other forms of testosterone, can be solo with good results in terms of weight gain, strength and endurance, but used in combination with other steroid drugs of anabolic and androgenic effects, including Boldelab-200, Primalab-100, Nandrolab-P 100 or Decalab-250, Stanolab-50 and others.
Combined cycles are build individually depending on goals, experience and physical form of the athlete.
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