Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester
Active Ingredient: Drostanolone Enanthate
Concentration: 200 mg / mL
Price For: 10 mL Vial
Brand: 7Lab Pharm
Mastolab-200 contains 200 mg of Drostanolone Enanthate and is brand product of 7Lab Pharma.
Mastolab-200 is an injectable steroid made by Swiss pharmaceutical company 7Lab Pharma. The active substance of this drug is Drostanolone Enanthate. This drug is also called Masteron. This is one of the most popular anabolic steroids in the sports environment. It is mainly used on cutting. Anabolic activity of the drug - 40% of testosterone, androgenic - 130%. You can buy Mastolab-200 from our store.
Drostanolone is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), respectively, it does not convert to estrogen, and also softens the estrogenic manifestations of other drugs (when combined on cycle). Initially, Drostanolone was developed as a propionate ester, but now thi drug is also available in the form of a longer enanthate ester.
Fat burner. The main effect of drostanolone enanthate is the burning of subcutaneous fat, which allows you to harden your muscles, show the relief of the body (up to 8% of the initial level).
Mass gain. This drug does not give a pronounced grow of muscle mass, however, on a mass-building cycle of steroids, you can achieve an increase in quality dry muscles without fat and water.
Athletic performance. Mastolab-200 helps increase endurance, strength, helps the body recover more quickly after training.
Also, this anabolic has a good effect on the nervous system, improves mood, and can positively affect sexual desire. This drug is not aromatized, not toxic to the liver.
Important! When using Mastolab-200 on drying, the amount of subcutaneous fat in the body should not exceed 10-13%. There must also be already gained and worked out muscle mass, otherwise this steroid simply will not give a visible result.
Mastolab-200 can cause baldness, but this effect is rare and appears only in people with a genetic predisposition to baldness.
Hypertrophy of the prostate is associated with high androgenic activity of the steroid. May be prevented by the administration of Finasteride (DHT blocker). However, this drug can significantly reduce the effectiveness of the anabolic.
Increasing oily skin and the development of acne. This side effect also refers to androgenic. You can prevent it by following a proper diet and skin care.
How Drostanolone will manifest itself in relation to one or another athlete cannot be predicted before admission (as is the case with other steroids). If during the program the negative reactions made themselves felt, you can review the dosage or change the dosage regimen. As evidenced by Mastolab-200 reviews, most often side effects occur due to too high doses of injections.
Mastolab-200 cycle gives more pronounced results. It stacks well with many anabolics.
A cycle for drying involves taking Mastolab-200 in combination with Stanolab-50, Primalab-100, Oxano-Lab 20.
Heading for the mass. Masteron is usually combined with Testolab-P 100 or Testolab-E 250. This combination allows you to get a good body recomposition (burning fat and at the same time a high-quality dry mass).
Administration of gonadotropin may be required, which prevents testicular atrophy and facilitates post-cycle therapy.
The effect of taking Drostanolone enanthate or propionate is almost identical, but there are particularities in the reception. The main difference is the rate of penetration of the active substance into the blood. Propionate injections are performed every day or every other day, enanthate injections are administered 1-2 times a week. The duration of the course of propionate is 8-10 weeks, on longer programs (10-12 weeks) it is recommended to use enanthate.
Drostanolone propionate is best combined with Trenolab-A 100, Testolab-P 100, Nandrolab-P 100. Drostanolone enanthate is preferable to combine with Testolab-C 250, Trenolab-E 200, Decalab-250.
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